I’ll admit. I don’t really like doing cardio. Sometimes it’s such a bore, but it can be useful in creating a caloric deficit. Luckily, there are many ways to make it more bearable. The type of cardio I choose to do depends on the amount of time I have and how much energy I’m willing to exert.
On more relaxed days, or on recovery days, I like to take a brisk walk on a high incline setting on the treadmill. This low-impact activity allows me to burn calories for a longer period of time, whereas a normal run would be more taxing on my body, and I’d soon get tired.
When I feel more energetic, or if I’m on a time crunch and need to get a quick cardio session in, I prefer high intensity interval training. It’s known as HIIT. I like to sprint on the treadmill for 30 second increments, running as hard as I can by cranking up the speed to about 10-11 mph. Afterwards, I rest for a minute or so, walking at about 3mph. Then I repeat the process, usually 6-8 times. You can do something similar on a stationary bike as well. Other HIIT-style workouts consist of only body-weight exercises or use small weights. A quick YouTube search will give you plenty of videos to follow along with.
Jumping rope is another way I get my cardio in. It became easier after a few sessions. Less tripping, that’s for sure. If you’re advanced enough, you can even incorporate some cool tricks, though I haven’t reached that level yet. While I jump rope, I watch TV to entertain myself –– it makes the time fly by much faster.
The point is, the possibilities are endless. Cardio doesn’t have to be so terrible. Just find what works for you, and do it!